Document Purpose 

Adapt-A-Lift Group Pty Ltd and its Associated Entities are committed to providing quality services to you and this Policy outlines our ongoing obligations to you in respect of how we use, store and manage your Personal Information. 

Adapt-A-Lift has adopted the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act). The NPPS govern the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your Personal Information. 

A copy of the APPs may be obtained from the website of The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at 


This Privacy Policy covers Adapt-A-Lift Group Pty Ltd and all its Associated Entities and Related Bodies Corporate. Without limitation, this includes Adaptalift GSE Pty Ltd, Adaptalift Truck Rentals, Pty Ltd, Adapt Capital Pty Ltd, Speedshield Technologies Pty Ltd and all entities that form part of the Adaptalift Group of Companies. 

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, all such entities will be referred to as Adapt-A-Lift

Intended Audience - Scope 

This Privacy Policy applies to all persons or entities that provide Adapt-A-Lift with any Personal Information. This includes all Adapt-A-Lift suppliers, customers, agents, subcontractors or any other person or entity providing us with Personal Information for any reason. 

Document Control 

This document is regularly updated to reflect changes (including regulatory changes). The document will be reviewed at least once every two years. Please refer to the online copy of this document on the respective Adaptalift Group company’s intranet site to ensure you are reviewing the current procedures. Any offline or printed copies are considered as uncontrolled and potentially out of date. 

If we update this Privacy Policy, it will be updated on our website and will be taken to apply to you from the date it is uploaded to our website. 



In this Privacy Policy: 

Associated Entities has the meaning given to that term by section 50AAA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) 

Personal Information has the meaning given by paragraph 2 of this Privacy Policy but excludes Sensitive Information 

Related Bodies Corporate has the meaning given to that term by section 50 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) 

Sensitive Information means information or opinion about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information 

You/you means the person or entity that has provided Adapt-A-Lift with the Personal Information and which is the subject of this Privacy Policy 


Personal Information is information or an opinion that identifies an individual or entity or which contains information about that individual or entity that is not in the public domain. 

Examples of personal information include (without limitation) names, addresses, email addresses, phone and fax numbers, financial documents (including accounts), bank statements, tax returns and/or licence details (including driver’s licence). 

This Personal Information is obtained from you in many ways. It may be obtained as part of a credit application you have provided to Adapt-A-Lift. It may have been provided as part of an interview, correspondence, conversation or through Adapt-A-Lift’s website. It may also have been provided to us by third parties. 

We collect the Personal Information for the primary purpose of providing our services to you, providing information to our other customers (where you so authorise) and for marketing purposes. We also collect and use your Personal Information to assess any credit application (including any request for us to supply you services on credit) and to ensure that we are complying with any applicable legislation concerning the supply we are making to you (for example, under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) and/or the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth)

We may also collect the Personal Information to provide Adapt-A-Lift with greater understanding of your business needs and requirements and to provide you with information that may be of interest to you about other products or services that we may offer to you. You may request us not to use your Personal Information for this purpose and may at any time request us to unsubscribe you from any marketing or promotional material that we may provide for this purpose. 

If we request certain Personal Information from you and you do not provide it, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services and/or may not be able to extend you credit for the provision of such products or services. 


In the course of you providing us with Personal Information, you may also provide us (whether deliberately or otherwise) Sensitive Information. We will treat the Sensitive Information differently. 

Sensitive Information will be used by us only: 

(a) for the primary purpose for which it was provided and obtained; and 

(b) for any secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary purpose; and 

(c) with your consent or where we are required or authorised by law to use or disclose. 


Adapt-A-Lift has policies in place to ensure that your Personal Information is not misplaced or misused and that no unauthorised access to, or modification or disclosure of, that Personal Information occurs. 

Your Personal Information will be stored securely on our servers. These servers can only be accessed by a user authorised to access the Personal Information (including with password protection). 

If the Personal Information is given to us in hard-copy form, the Personal Information is stored securely at our premises in locked cabinets that can only be accessed by officers of Adapt-A-Lift or persons on a need-to-know basis. We regularly review and monitor these processes to ensure that the security of your Personal Information is effective and maintained. 

If you provide us with any Personal Information and that Personal Information is no longer required or need for the purpose for which it was provided (for example, if you are no longer a customer of Adapt-A-Lift or you withdraw your consent for us to hold, access, use and/or store your Personal Information), we will take all reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your Personal Information. This is subject to any laws relating to our retention of your Personal Information (which, unless the law states otherwise, will be kept by us for a minimum of 7 years after it has been provided). 


We will only use or disclose the Personal Information you have given us for the purpose for which we have collected it and for all related purposes that we consider (acting reasonably) will be within your reasonable expectations. 

Without limitation, the Personal Information may be used or disclosed to: 

(a) our dealers (including sub-dealers); 

(b) other Associated Entities or Related Bodies Corporate (including other persons in other States or Territories where you may have a presence or conduct business); 

(c) our contractors in order to best respond to any information request or order you have placed with Adapt-A-Lift; 

(d) provide you with marketing or other promotional material to give you information about other products and services we offer, including (without limitation) ForkTrack, forklift driver training and our service program(s); 

(e) contact you to get your feedback about your experience with Adapt-A-Lift and/or the products/services we have supplied (such as during a Customer Satisfaction Survey); 

(f) inform you of any voluntary or compulsory product recall or upgrade or modification; 

(g) administer any warranty that is provided to you for any products or services that we may supply or which you acquire from Adapt-A-Lift; 

(h) to other entities that Adapt-A-Lift outsources its business and operations to, including (without limitation) mailing, financial processing, information technology, data storage, insurers, financial providers (including financiers, funders, banks or credit providers), State and Federal Government authorities (e.g. the Office of State Revenue, ATO, ASIC etc.), referrers, product manufacturer and distributors; 

(i) credit providers or credit checks (including online or in person), for the purpose of ascertaining your on-time payment compliance, current financial status, outstanding judgments or warrants and otherwise to assess and determine your credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity; 

(j) any other person or entity that you authorise us to provide. 

Other than for the above uses, we will not disclose your Personal Information to third parties without your consent and will seek your consent to use or disclose your Personal Information to third parties (unless we are required by law to do so without first seeking your permission). 


You may access the Personal Information that we hold about you in order to update or correct it (subject to certain exceptions as set out in the NPPs). You should contact Adapt-A-Lift if you wish to access your Personal Information for this purpose. 

If you request access to your Personal Information, you will be required to verify your identity and provide proof before we will allow you access. This is to ensure your privacy in your Personal Information is protected and is only accessed by you or those persons whom you authorise. 

We may refuse to allow you to access your Personal Information if we are legally required or entitled to do so. 

If you request access, we may charge you a reasonable administrative fee in order to access that Personal Information. Adapt-A-Lift will advise you of the amount of the fee payable (if any) once we have assessed your application for access and understood the scope of that access. If you ask to access your Sensitive Information, no fee will be payable for this. 

If you request access, Adapt-A-Lift may discuss with you options for providing you with access, including (for example) supplying you with a hard copy or electronic copy of that Personal Information. 

If you believe that any Personal Information provided to us is outdated, inaccurate or requires alteration, you can request us to access and amend that Personal Information with the correct information. We will continue to hold the originally supplied Personal Information and the updated Personal Information under and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 


This section details the manner in which we handle any Personal Information you have provided online (whether through our website or otherwise). 

Adapt-A-Lift’s website server automatically collects various items of information when you use our website. Such information may include the type of internet browser software you are using to access our website.  

When you visit our website, it may store ‘cookies’ on your computer. The purpose of ‘cookies’ is to avoid the need for you to re-enter information when you next visit our website. The settings in your web browser can be adjusted to prevent cookies being stored on your computer. Although in some circumstances it may be possible to identify you from the Personal Information you provide through our website, we do not attempt to do so and would only use such Personal Information for statistical analysis, system administration and similar related purposes. 

If you send us an email or if you submit information to us through the website using a message or brochure request form, we may collect, use and store that Personal Information received from you. We will use that Personal Information to contact you to respond to that specific message, to send you information relating to that message or for any other related purposes. We may also use that Personal Information for the purposes set out above in this Privacy Policy. 

If you transmit Personal Information to us (whether by email or through our website), Adapt-A-Lift cannot guarantee that the Personal Information will be secure during the process of transmission (unless we have previously indicated to you that it will be so protected, for example, due to encryption). However, once the Personal Information is with Adapt-A-Lift and on its servers, it will be stored and protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

If any of our online services contain links (including on our website or in emails that we send to you) to other online services or service providers that are not maintained by us, or if the other services link to our online services, we are not responsible for the privacy protections of the organisations that operate these other services. This Privacy Policy only applies for our online services. 


If you have supplied us with Personal Information and/or if you have agreed and consent to this Privacy Policy, you are expressly agreeing that Adapt-A-Lift may: 

(a) use or disclose your Personal Information for the purposes set out in clause 5 above; 

(b) obtain information about you from third parties (including third party credit reporting bodies) to assess and determine your credit worthiness and otherwise for the purposes set out in clause 5 above; 

(c) give your Personal Information to Adapt-A-Lifts advisers, including legal or accounting advisers (whether internal or external); 

(d) give your Personal Information to any credit agency where you are in default of any obligation you owe to Adapt-A-Lift under any agreement you enter with Adapt-A-Lift. 

You also acknowledge and consent that you otherwise agree to all other matters set out in this Privacy Policy. 


If you have a complaint about the way in which we have handled your Personal Information, we encourage you to contact us to discuss these concerns. 

All complaint or enquiries can be directed to our Privacy Officer at: 

Adapt-A-Lift Group Pty Ltd 
1574 Centre Road 
(PH): (03) 9549 8000 